Collections / Cornucopias Cheeky Racer / 

Cheeky Racer RA #04158

NFT image
Cheeky Racer RA #04158
About collection
This is an in-game wearable racing suit with partnership utility. Suit holders will gain access to Cryptopia (VC Firm partnered with Cheeky Crypto), an early-stage, decentralized investment gateway to NFT startups and Crypto startups.
Full metadata
  "id": "04158",
  "tag": "CCR2022CC04158",
  "name": "Cheeky Racer RA #04158",
  "files": [
      "src": "ipfs://QmaLCiLTZt5qs7SRsPRNCxsnXpzBvQCLgqT81S6XxMR6Fz",
      "name": "Cheeky Racer RA",
      "mediaType": "video/mp4",
      "resolution": "4k"
      "src": "ipfs://QmeoWNMaU8r89RG3Xbtd7j1TXfUCLa8RjKKNb6ZSiMSLq1",
      "name": "Cheeky Racer RA",
      "mediaType": "video/mp4",
      "resolution": "web"
      "src": "ipfs://QmRUnpg8d6KzVpnBSz8qybKGGFiwSdVVX5QVtBtRU9QBWT",
      "name": "Cheeky Racer RA",
      "mediaType": "image/gif"
  "image": "ipfs://QmZn8XxQ1TbGbMJC7D67XCoRzzWBLfG59LNiedJPAcVZ6G",
  "media": {
    "Website": "https://www.cornucopias.io",
    "Link Tree": "https://linktr.ee/CornucopiasGame"
  "gameid": "CCRRA",
  "rarity": "Rare",
  "season": "Pre-Launch",
  "version": "1.0",
  "fullName": "Cheeky Racer Rare #04158",
  "mediaType": "image/png",
  "typeClass": "Game Asset",
  "attributes": {
    "year": "2022"
  "description": "Cheeky Crypto Racer Suit",
  "projectName": "Cornucopias Game"