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Collections / ABHS x Mr. Intangble / 

ABHS x Mr. Intangble - Tier E #038

NFT image
ABHS x Mr. Intangble - Tier E #038
About collection
Second Airdrop from the Angel Baby Hit Squad by Fettuccine & Team
Full metadata
  "Tier": "Tier E",
  "name": "ABHS x Mr. Intangble - Tier E #038",
  "image": "ipfs://QmZpJemFmPV4upryYB5hqnwWc7Mu9KjnaWtgXs2dEwMcbD",
  "Artists": "Mr. Intangible x ABHS",
  "Collection": "Mr. Intangible x ABHS",
  "Description": "Second Airdrop by Angel Baby Hit Squad by Fettuccine & Team",
  "Twitter (ABHS)": "",
  "Twitter (Mr. Intangble)": ""