Collections / Stag Alliance / 

Fergio of Thelessious

NFT image
Fergio of Thelessious
Rarity rank
TOP 46.1%
3454 / 7478
About collection
Create your legacy in a world of magic and adventure. Massive growing community, epic artwork, full-length fantasy literature, gamified platform, and much more. Pushing boundaries in CNFT to become a household name, one step at a time. Join the Alliance.
Full metadata
  "Back": "Plain",
  "Body": "Turtle neck",
  "Clan": "Thelessious",
  "Ears": "Stretch plug",
  "Eyes": "Looking down",
  "Skin": "Pink",
  "Type": "Stag",
  "name": "Fergio of Thelessious",
  "image": "ipfs://QmUV9fjfTy2qBp1y7thU3C88pZepbNLuMx6hAz2wRhgimu",
  "Portal": "038",
  "Antlers": "Mage glow",
  "Eyewear": "Vortex swirl specs",
  "Faction": "Conjurer",
  "Special": "None",
  "mediaType": "image/png",
  "Background": "Winter hills",
  "Mouth Lower": "Closed",
  "Mouth Upper": "Plain",
  "description": "An Elderworld genesis collection"