Collections / Chains of War - Genesis Heroes / 

Urki the Orc-harvester of Shadows

NFT image
Urki the Orc-harvester of Shadows
About collection
10.000 NFT HEROES ROAM THE VICIOUS WORLD OF TYRRHA. COLLECT, EARN AND ROLEPLAY ON THE CARDANO BLOCKCHAIN. While the regime of the Duxa Empire rules the oxygen deprived world of Tyrrha with an iron fist, a young Hadaki miner discovers a mystical device that sets him on a path that could change the fate of his people.
Full metadata
  "name": "Urki the Orc-harvester of Shadows",
  "Stats": {
    "Faith": "10",
    "Speed": "14",
    "Stamina": "35",
    "Strength": "29"
  "image": "ipfs://QmRapX9pgJzeekrhX7a5A3ns7KyJo6EJEuM4JMnD7MxpFM",
  "Twitter": "https://twitter.com/ChainsofWarNFT",
  "Website": "https://chainsofwar.io/",
  "Attributes": {
    "Sex": "Male",
    "Body": "Crofter",
    "Eyes": "Sapphire Ruby",
    "Glow": "Membrane",
    "Head": "Punk",
    "Beard": "Ginger",
    "Chest": "Leather Battle",
    "Class": "Harvester",
    "Teeth": "Large Fangs",
    "Origin": "Molghir",
    "Species": "Urthnaki",
    "Weapons": "Hammer of Dun",
    "Trinkets": "Slaver's Chain, Mark of Molghir",
    "Background": "Terra"