Collections / Trybbles / 

Trybbles - Series One - Emoko 185/250 - 10/10

NFT image
Trybbles - Series One - Emoko 185/250 - 10/10
Rarity rank
TOP 4.2%
184 / 7170
About collection
Trybbles are the first NFT series by New Mindflow. The project is much more than highly polished images of cute, fluffy and adorable characters - the Trybbles story will take you to 2269, where you, as a community, will start uncovering an immersive and entertaining story revealing itself through these Cardano NFTs for the first time.
Full metadata
  "name": "Trybbles - Series One - Emoko 185/250 - 10/10",
  "site": "https://www.trybbles.com",
  "type": "Emoko 185/250",
  "image": "ipfs://QmWD2yVziKT7fQFey49S6sDVZ1J5D2iv4yVA1Gvw38zM3N",
  "site2": "https://www.newmindflow.com",
  "artist": "New Mindflow",
  "rarity": "Rare",
  "traits": {
    "Fur": "Russet",
    "Eyes": "Brown",
    "Color": "Light Taupe",
    "Emotion": "Playful"
  "twitter": "https://twitter.com/trybbles",
  "twitter2": "https://twitter.com/newmindflow",
  "arweaveId": "https://arweave.net/82gGXZbh4p1g7MeaYho_a9Mljxg-A3kwA8loqf3iMk4",
  "copyright": "Copyright New Mindflow 2021",
  "collection": "Series One",
  "description": "How should we play now?"