Collections / Apeing Riot Club / 

Apeing Riot Club #2837

NFT image
Apeing Riot Club #2837
Rarity rank
TOP 34.0%
1701 / 4806
About collection
They are a dangerous tribe who abandoned their homeland on one mission: To incite the biggest RIOT the Cardano world has ever seen.
Full metadata
  "name": "Apeing Riot Club #2837",
  "image": "ipfs://QmRP7RAxsX4aYfzTmSvVsR9rRRMVQsG5HXK3qWd2n3WJwb",
  "traits": {
    "Eyes": "Sus",
    "Skin": "Midnight",
    "Mouth": "Frenchie",
    "Outfit": "Pimp",
    "Headwear": "Captain",
    "Background": "Purple"
  "twitter": "twitter.com/ApeingRiotClub",
  "mediaType": "image/png",
  "collection": "Apeing Riot Club",
  "description": [
    "The Apez have landed on one mission: to run the ",
    "biggest RIOT the Cardano world has ever seen…"