Collections / Order of the Kraken - Family Crest / 

Order of the Kraken - Family Crest #372

NFT image
Order of the Kraken - Family Crest #372
₳ 222-
Rarity rank
TOP 26.1%
1123 / 4300
About collection
The Order of the Kraken is an end of the world, futuristic pirate themed NFT collection on the Cardano blockchain and is a project with lofty ambitions.
Full metadata
  "Seal": "Halcyon",
  "name": "Order of the Kraken - Family Crest #372",
  "Gem 1": "Diamond",
  "Gem 2": "None",
  "Gem 3": "Emerald",
  "image": "ipfs://Qmc5V3Nw54hx4QBzdd4V4GAXDztKbpcFo5ZZi8utT75pg4",
  "Family": "Mary Read",
  "Compass": "Prismatic",
  "Background": "Ocean",
  "description": [
    "OTK is an end of the world, futuristic pirate themed NFT collect",
    "ion on the Cardano blockchain."