Collections / Tavern Squad / 

Tavern Squad Adventurer #08943

NFT image
Tavern Squad Adventurer #08943
The highest offer ₳ 12
Offers can only be accepted if the NFT is not listed.
Rarity rank
TOP 29.3%
2927 / 10000
About collection
Tavern Squad is a collection of 10,000 unique Cardano NFT collectibles set in a fantasy universe inspired by RPGs we all know and love. We aim to bring you not just amazing looking art, but also a story that you can be a part of, and even play a role in changing how it progresses.
Full metadata
  "id": 8943,
  "url": "https://tavernsquad.io",
  "name": "Tavern Squad Adventurer #08943",
  "type": "image/png",
  "image": "ipfs://QmRk1fxCtR6c2egQFe2KodSYxpWjdHUW8Jwsq4eLZca8MS",
  "attributes": {
    "Back": "Fire Maul",
    "Eyes": "Normal",
    "Face": "None",
    "Head": "Long Hair",
    "Race": "Aquila",
    "Armor": "Molten",
    "Mouth": "Racial",
    "Racial": "Two Tone",
    "Familiar": "None",
    "SkinTone": "C",
    "Background": "Blue"