Collections / Dead Rabbit Resurrection Society / 

Dead Rabbit Resurrection Society #2989

NFT image
Dead Rabbit Resurrection Society #2989
Rarity rank
3420 / 5832
About collection
It was a bright day in April when Wilhelm Tesseract discovered he could jump through time. The year was 2097. We are the Dead Rabbits.
Full metadata
  "name": "Dead Rabbit Resurrection Society #2989",
  "image": "ipfs://QmT7B1aAPwxm8q2cqWjfEijvFnTNQ3CHu8VEsjTtbrMMsd",
  "Twitter": "@DeadRabbitRS",
  "Publisher": "https://deadrabbits.io",
  "mediaType": "image/jpg",
  "Attributes": {
    "Jaw": "Grimace",
    "Pin": "None",
    "Ears": "Damaged",
    "Eyes": "Eyebrow",
    "Order": "White",
    "Teeth": "Classic",
    "Eyewear": "None",
    "Clothing": "Chain White",
    "Ear Tags": "DE Invite 01",
    "Headwear": "None",
    "Background": "BG 5 Outrun",
    "Mouth Bling": "None"
  "description": [
    "It was a bright day in April when Wilhelm Tesseract discovered",
    " he could jump through time. The year was 2097.",
    "We are the Dead Rabbits."