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Cornucopias Bubblejett Sprinter OG Custom 2022

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Cornucopias Bubblejett Sprinter OG Custom 2022
This collection is verified
₳ 799Floor price
₳ 1MVolume
Items: 800
Owners: 524
Floor price: ₳ 799
Volume: ₳ 1M

The Bubblejett Sprinter is a flying car that is used to travel from your Home Bubble to the Themed Zones or the City. It can also be used for racing. The OG Edition was created for early supporters who joined the Cornucopias Discord and was given to them for FREE. The OG role is awarded to members of the community that have shown their support through helping others, being respectful and kind, and having genuine conversation in chat with fellow community members. The OG role is still open to all to obtain, to find out more visit Discord and go to the #how-to-become-og thread.

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