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Masked On Buttons: The Lore Hunt

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Masked On Buttons: The Lore Hunt
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₳ 5Floor price
₳ 10.0KVolume
Items: 4,000
Owners: 2K
Floor price: ₳ 5
Volume: ₳ 10.0K

The Lore Hunt continued to feature button-eyed, strangely colored characters wearing face masks. Each MOB from this collection has a hidden lore snippet in its the metadata – statements as told from the Point-of-View of every MOB reflecting their perspective on The 100 Origins, The Founders, The Forbidden One, and the MOB City they now live in. During the Lore Hunt Event (a community post-activity after the Lore Hunt drop), MOB Lore holders stitched together the lore snippets and came up with their own MOB Lore.

Offer can be accepted with any NFT from this collection