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Vudu Brigada

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Vudu Brigada
This collection is verified
₳ 5Floor price
₳ 43.8KVolume
Items: 9,000
Owners: 2K
Floor price: ₳ 5
Volume: ₳ 43.8K

Vudu Brigada is the newest project of Ruggero Lupo Mengoni, Italian digital artist, and Yasmine Saliba, Lebanese fashion stylist and art director; they are the founders of Polarys Collective, a creative content agency based in Florence, Italy. Vudu Brigada is about playing with the archetypes of our egos, to overcome them and generate positivity. We wanted our CNFT collectibles to somehow canalize our energy towards something positive and fun, kinda grotesque and playful!

Offer can be accepted with any NFT from this collection